Dutch public and private actors join hands to promote and implement clean cooking solutions to contribute to at least 4 SDGs. Together, we strive for access to clean energy, healthy living conditions, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and gender equality. By accelerating access to clean cooking, we contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals and to the net-zero target.
Why clean cooking?
Every day, inside small homes and huts throughout the developing world, billions of people strike matches, light fires, and prepare meals using rudimentary stoves. The stoves tells a story of debilitating illness and lives lost prematurely, of localized deforestation and forest degradation, of greenhouse gas emissions and catalytic warming effects, and of gender inequality. Multiple dilemmas are converging at once. Clean cooking solutions, such as improved biomass stoves (e.g. using pellets), solar cookers, biogas, and alcohol stoves, are available. These stoves and fuels reduce exposures to harmful pollutants, lessen climate and environmental impacts, and lower the time that women and young girls are spending on fuel collection and cooking. We aim to accelerate the access to the cleanest and most efficient technologies possible. However, as these will not be accessible for everyone in the short term, the Dutch Spark focuses on the most clean and affordable solutions possible for the poorest and vulnerable groups as a first step towards clean options.
What we do
To achieve our vision, we focus on three major activities
We acquire and share knowledge
We organise knowledge sessions on several topics, such as result-based financing, new data technologies, and financing options. We participate and share knowledge during (international) conferences and webinars.
We create support
We provide tools and information to support the discussion with governments and organisations. We solicit for supporting policies, funding, and engagement on the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement’ goals.
We demonstrate successful concepts in practice (proof-of-concept)
We work together on the development and implementation of projects or programs and co-create new concepts. We demonstrate that successful clean cooking implementation can be achieved by joint effort.
Our impact