Partners in Pellets

February 17, 2022

Last month, the ‘Partners in Pellets’ impact cluster was launched!

TRAIDE, together with BioMassters, Mimi Moto, FairClimateFund, and BIX Capital launched ‘Partners in Pellets’, a three-year project aiming to set up a clean cooking ecosystem in Rwanda, using pellets. This will be done by growing and disseminating knowledge to local stakeholders and by identifying and establishing financial instruments (e.g. carbon credits, pre-financing streams, and de-risking instruments) for future growth. The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a co-funding partner by providing the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) ‘Impact cluster financing’.

The first steps have already been taken, as BioMassters installed new equipment in the pellet factory in Rubavu last week, necessary for scale-up in and demonstration of the sector. The production facility is up and running. The Mimi Moto stoves will arrive soon and will be distributed in Rwanda.